, Tree Water and Carbon monitoring Network, aims to become a unique tool to show hydraulic functioning and growth of trees in real-time. This information offers a list of possibilities not only for scientific research and current monitoring networks, but also for education and raising awareness on climate change. \ +32 9 264 61 12
Research interests
• Interactions between plants and their environments (ecophysiology)
• Plant monitoring and stress detection with plant sensors
• Plant modelling, parameter estimation and model uncertainty
• Interactions between plants and their environments (ecophysiology)
• Plant monitoring and stress detection with plant sensors
• Plant modelling, parameter estimation and model uncertainty \ +32 9 264 61 14
Research interests
• Carbon dynamics in trees
• Plant sensors and tree monitoring
• Mechanistic tree modelling
• Carbon dynamics in trees
• Plant sensors and tree monitoring
• Mechanistic tree modelling \ +32 9 264 61 26
Research interests
• Ecophysiology
• Plant-water relations
• Plant sensors and tree monitoring
• Ecophysiology
• Plant-water relations
• Plant sensors and tree monitoring \ +32 9 264 61 14
Research interests
• Plant-water relations
• Urban trees and urban ecohydrology
• Electrical resistivity tomography and sap flow monitoring
• Plant-water relations
• Urban trees and urban ecohydrology
• Electrical resistivity tomography and sap flow monitoring \ +32 486 80 82 50
Research interests
• Modelling and simulating of biological systems
• Quality software and sensor development
• Plant science and horticulture/agriculture communities
• Modelling and simulating of biological systems
• Quality software and sensor development
• Plant science and horticulture/agriculture communities
News & Press
- (2023/04) [BE] Real-time monitoring van een grove den in het Pijnven, Bosland
- (2019/08) [IN] Climate change in focus again
- (2019/08) [BE] "Tweetende boom" in Gent heeft nu ook broertje in bos van Harvard
- (2019/05) [NL, BE] Influence of the 2018 summer drought (English presentation)
- (2019/04) [NL] De digitale boswachter meet de veerkracht van een bos
- (2018/10) [BE] De droogte, terug van nooit weggeweest
- (2018/08) [NL] De hete zomer van een boom (De Volkskrant)
- (2017/11) [DE] "Twitternde Bäume" (Sehens Werte 11)
- (2017/09) [NL] Wageningse twitterende populier blijkt een sprinter (Nature Today)
- (2017/08) [DE] "Bäume twittern" (ZDF)
- (2017/08) [NL] Twitterende bomen geven inzicht in klimaatverandering (RESCAPE)
- (2017/05) [NL] Dagelijks twitteren bomen wereldwijd over hun sapstromen (Volkskrant)
- (2017/04) [NL] Altijd al afgevraagd hoe een boom zich voelt? Zo dus! (RTL Late Night)
- (2017/04) [NL] Nederlandse boom twittert over klimaatverandering (Nature Today)
- (2017/04) [NL, BE] Bomen kunnen zingen. En ze geven binnenkort een concert (De Morgen)
- (2016/05) [DE] Tweeting Trees: Signals Sent by German Pine Trees Sound Like Heartbeat (Sputnik News)
- (2016/04) [DE] Wenn Bäume auf Twitter ihr Leid klagen können (Welt)