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Experimental forest ‘Aelmoeseneie’


Scientific zone and measuring tower

The scientific zone of the experimental forest Aelmoeseneie (Belgium, Gontrode) is fenced and used as outdoor laboratory since 1993. Central in the scientific zone is the measuring tower of 35 m height. Measurements can be taken at five levels: 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 meter above ground level. Radiation, air temperature, relative humidity of the air, air pressure, precipitation, wind speed and wind direction are measured at the top level of the tower, while relative humidity and air temperature are measured throughout the canopy at all levels.

Tree monitoring

Three beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees and four oak (Quercus robur L.) trees in the experimental forest Aelmoeseneie are currently equipped with sap flow sensors and point dendrometers. Since 2014 a total of eleven trees have been monitored. The map below shows the locations of all trees, with red and yellow markers indicating trees that are currently being monitored. Click on the marker of a tree to discover its specific water, carbon and growth behaviour. Graphs are powered by PhytoSense (Phyto-IT).

Tree Locations

The satellite image below shows the exact locations of the monitored trees in the experimental forest Aelmoeseneie. Click on the icon of a tree to get detailed information on that particular tree and watch its diameter variation (mm) and sap flow (L.h-1).